USA CERL                                                                                                                          GMSLab

  Using Soil Erosion Modeling for Improved Conservation Planning: 
A GIS-based Tutorial



This report was prepared in partial fulfillment of the project funded by the U.S. Army Engineering Research and Development Center (ERDC), under DACA88-99-D-0002 Task Order No. 05,  Project Title:  Terrain Modeling and Soil Erosion Simulation, Matthew Hohmann, POC/COR ERDC/USACERL, under contract to the University of Illinois Board of Trustees, Douglas M. Johnston, Principal Investigator.

Partial funding for case studies and examples reported in this document was additionally provided by:

Illinois Department of Natural Resources
Illinois Council on Food and Agricultural Research (CFAR)
Dept of Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (MEAS), North Carolina State University (NCSU)

Some data used in the case studies and examples reported in this document were provided by:

D. Jones (Ft. Hood):  Data from Ft. Hood
F. Schrank, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS):  Data from Ft. Hood
Rob Austin, North Carolina State University (NCSU):  NC Data -DEMS
Tom Drake, North Carolina State University (NCSU):  NC Data - DEMS
Karl Auerswald,  Technical University of Munich (Technischen Universität München) (TUM):  Hohenfels Data

Deva Borah, Illinois State Water Survey:  Court Creek Hydrologic Unit Boundaries
USA ERDC Construction Engineering Research Lab:  Camp Shelby Data

Results or views reported under this contract do not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. Army Engineering Research and Development Center.  Citation of commercial products used as part of this project does not constitute endorsement of said products.


Summary of Soil Erosion Modeling Tutorial
Example Applications of Erosion Modeling
Methods and Algorithms
Processing Input Data for Erosion Modeling
Erosion processes at multiple scales and related models
Modeling erosion at multiple scales
Analyzing and communicating the modeling results

HOME                                                        H. Mitasova, et al.,  Geographic Modeling Systems Lab, UIUC