USA CERL                                                                                                                          GMSLab

  Using Soil Erosion Modeling for Improved Conservation Planning: 
A GIS-based Tutorial


Computing erosion modeling inputs from a DEM

The digital elevation model is the fundamental data layer needed for erosion modeling.

  • Types of DEMS
  • Assessing Quality
  • Deriving Erosion Parameters

    Types of digital elevation data and their suitability for erosion modeling

    Assessing the quality of DEMs

    Deriving the model parameters:

    Slope computed from a 3m DEM


    Aspect computed from a 3m DEM


    Computing erosion modeling inputs from a DEM
    Deriving erosion modeling inputs from a land cover
    Erosion modeling inputs

    HOME                                                        H. Mitasova, et al.,  Geographic Modeling Systems Lab, UIUC