developed with GRASS5.0


October, 2000


Helena Mitasova, Bill Brown, Doug Johnston, Lubos Mitas
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Notes, questions and comments
Article for Watershed Management Briefs

Analysis of soil detachment and erosion/deposition patterns was performed using the new 10m DEM (see discussion about its problems below). The patterns were simulated for the hydrologic unit 52 for the following scenarios: bare soil, corn, corn+60ft stream buffer, corn+100ft stream buffer, corn+60ft stream buffer+forest on slopes steeper than 10%, current (1993) land use, corn + protective areas (dense grass, forest) in locations with detachment rate higher than 10t/ay. The results (maps and numbers) are organized in a TABLE and include some comments and suggestions.

Analysis of new 10m DEM

New 10m DEM has been received and it is being analyzed. There seem to be waves along contours which may cause problems for erosion/deposition modeling, if these waves are artificial:
3D view of terrain within the hydrologic unit 102
location of the hydrologic unit 102 can be found on this picture

The new DEM has substantially more detail than the 30 m DEM which we have used before. While the total amount of water flowing out of the watershed would be the same, the new DEM shows that the flow from hillslopes and first order watersheds is much more in the form of concentrated flow rather than sheet flow predicted from 30m DEM. The following figures show the flow patterns derived from the DEMs that we have been using (note these are draft pictures and will be replaced by more consistent ones inthe final document)

Low resolution (20m/10m) analysis aimed at land use management at a regional/watershed scale

Statistics/summaries from the data and preliminary erosion estimates at 20m resolution. (averages, totals, [%] areas ...)

Results for a link with the ISWS model

Note: there is a mismatch between the numbers for HU in our and ISWS data which has to be fixed


 Subwatersheds with high erosion risk in headwater areas

The analysis has been performed using the same data as the analysis for the entire watershed. The original DEM was reinterpolated and smoothed from 30m resolution to 10m resolution to get better representation of terrain geometry, however, no new information was added ( 1:24000 topographic map draped over the smoothed DEM reveals that substantial detail is missing). The results of erosion/deposition model indicate that there is some limited potential for deposition within the less protected headwater areas. This indicates that while farmers may be loosing some soil there, part of the eroded soil moves only for a short distance. Further modeling and analysis will be performed to estimate how much can be delivered to streams and whether more protection in this areas could have any substantial impact on water and sediment flow downstream.

Analysis of topographic potential for wetlands

Hydrologic simulation module of SIMWE model was used to identify locations which have terrain configuration suitable for accumulating standing water and creating conditions for wetlands.

Statistics/summaries for the upper Middle Creek from the data and preliminary erosion estimates at 10m resolution. (averages, totals, [%] areas ...)

High resolution (<10) analysis aimed at modeling and design of conservation measures at a local scale (in preparation)

before we get high resolution data for Court Creek, here are some examples for different locations:

This project is supported by C-FAR IT-SRI and Illinois Department of Natural Resources

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