This document illustrates the methods and tools integrated with GRASS GIS which support spatial analysis of relationship between soil properties, topography and erosion processes in 3D space and time. The study area is located at experimental farm near Munchen, Germany. Detailed survey was performed in this area resulting in approx. 2000 points with elevation data and 400 points with soil core data. Point data were transformed to 2D raster maps using using regularized spline with tension implemented in GRASS as The following images and movies show the spatial distribution of data and selected raster maps representing terrain and soil horizons, visualized in 3D space as combination of multiple surfaces, color, cutting panes, transparency and points.

  • Elevation surface and sampling points

  • Location of soil cores

  • Soil horizons represented by multiple surfaces

  • Slicing through the horizons

    (movie - 125Kb)

    (movie - 125Kb)

  • Flow related topographic parameters needed for hillslope erosion modeling are computed by flow tracing program r.flow, the combined grid-vector flowtracing algorithm used in this program is described in Mitasova and Hofierka 1993 and Mitasova, Mitas et al. 1995). As an option, r.flow can be used to simulate the temporal changes in spatial distribution of waterflow. The following movies show different ways how the results of such simulation can be visualized using programs xganim and SG3d.
  • 2d raster maps (movie - 60Kb)

  • 2d raster maps draped over 3d view of terrain surface
    (movie - 55Kb)

  • waterflux as a surface and color
    (movie - 68Kb)

  • waterflux as a surface draped over elevation surface
    (movie - 60Kb)

  • Sediment transport capacity is computed as a function of waterflux and slope, (see Mitasova, Hofierka et al. 1995) the next movie shows it as a surface draped over elevation surface.

    Sediment transport capacity (movie - 65Kb)

    Topographic potential of landscape for erosion/deposition is computed a change in sediment transport capacity (see Mitasova, Hofierka et al. 1995). Comparison of results of erosion/deposition model with the depth of colluvial deposits illustrates the capability of erosion deposition model to predict location of major deposition areas.

    Using Nviz it is possible to explore 3D spatial relations between terrain shape, results of erosion/deposition model and thickness of colluvial deposits

    Slicing through colluvial deposits (movie - 68,164 bytes)

    Data used in this document were provided by Prof. K. Auerswald from Technical University Munchen, Germany, in cooperation with Steven Warren from USA CERL. Images and animations for this document were created using the GRASS4.1 program SG3d and GRASS4.2 program Nviz. Programming, computations and visualization for this project was done by Environmental modeling and visualization group at U.S.Army CERL (H. Mitasova, W. Brown, M. Astley, T. Baker, I. Kosinovsky), interpolation methods were designed by Lubos Mitas at NCSA, flowtracing program was developed by Jaro Hofierka, Maros Zlocha from Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia, and Joshua Caplan from University of Illinois.

    This work was partially supported by DOD Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program. ( SERDP).

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