Papers in Scientific Journals and Books (peer reviewed)
Mitasova, H., Mitas, L., Modeling Physical Systems,
In: Geographic Information Systems and Environmental
Modeling, Parks B., Crane M. and Clarke, K eds., Prentice Hall, (in press).
Mitasova, H., Mitas, L., Multiscale soil erosion simulations for land use management,
In: Landscape erosion and landscape evolution modeling, Harmon R. and Doe W. eds.,
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, (in press).
Hofierka J., Parajka J., Mitasova H., Mitas L., 2002,
Modeling impact of terrain on precipitation using 3-D spatial interpolation.
Transactions in GIS. (accepted).
Wilson, J., Mitasova H., Wright D., 2000, Water resource applications of GIS.
URISA Journal Vol 12, No. 2, pp. 61-79.
- Mitas, L.,
Mitasova, H., 1999, Spatial Interpolation.
In: P.Longley, M.F. Goodchild, D.J. Maguire, D.W.Rhind (Eds.),
Geographical Information Systems: Principles, Techniques, Management
and Applications, GeoInformation International, Wiley, 481-492.
- Mitas, L.,
Mitasova, H., 1998, Multi-scale
Green's function Monte Carlo approach to erosion
modelling and its application to land-use optimization
In: Modelling Soil Erosion, Sediment Transport and Closely Related
Hydrological Processes, (Eds: W.Summer, E. Klaghofer and W.Zhang),
IAHS Publication no. 249, pp. 81-90.
- Mitas, L., Mitasova, H., 1998, Distributed erosion
modeling for effective erosion prevention
Water Resources Research Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 505-516.
Mitas L., Brown W. M., Mitasova H., 1997, Role of dynamic
cartography in simulations of landscape processes based on multi-variate fields.
Computers and Geosciences, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 437-446
- Mitasova, H., J. Hofierka, M. Zlocha, L.R. Iverson, 1996,
Modeling topographic potential for erosion and deposition using GIS.
Int. Journal of Geographical Information Science, 10(5), 629-641.
(reply to a comment to this paper appears in 1997 in
Int. Journal of Geographical Information Science, Vol. 11, No. 6)
- Mitasova, H., L. Mitas, B.M. Brown,
D.P. Gerdes, I. Kosinovsky, 1995,
Modeling spatially and temporally distributed phenomena: New methods
and tools for GRASS GIS.
International Journal of GIS, 9 (4),
special issue on integration of Environmental modeling and GIS, p. 443-446.
- Mitasova, H., W.M. Brown, J. Hofierka, 1994, Multidimensional dynamic
Kartograficke listy, 2, p. 37-50.
- Mitasova, H., L. Mitas, 1993, Interpolation by regularized spline
with tension : I. Theory and implementation.
Mathematical Geology 25, p. 641-655.
- Mitasova, H., J. Hofierka, 1993, Interpolation by
regularized spline with tension : II. Application to terrain modeling and
surface geometry analysis. Mathematical Geology 25, p. 657-669.
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