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Unit 130

Process Modeling and Simulations

Version for public review: November 15, 1998

by Helena Mitasova, Geographic Modeling Systems Laboratory, Department of Geography,
and Lubos Mitas, National Center for Supercomputing Applications,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

This unit is part of the NCGIA Core Curriculum in Geographic Information Science. These materials may be copied for study, research, and education purposes, but please credit the author and the NCGIA Core Curriculum in GIScience. All commercial rights reserved. Copyright 1998 by Helena Mitasova and Lubos Mitas.

Your comments on these materials are welcome. A link to an evaluation form is provided at the end of this document.

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Topics covered in this unit 

Intended learning outcomes 

Full table of contents

Instructors' notes 

Metadata and revision history 

Process Modeling and Simulations

1. Introduction

2. Types of process models

3. Approaches to modeling and simulations

3.1 Deterministic models

3.2 Stochastic models

3.3 Rule based models

3.4 Multi-agent simulation of complex systems

4. Models and reality

5. GIS implementation

5.1 Full integration - embeded coupling 

5.2 Integration under a common interface - tight coupling

5.3 Loose coupling  

5.4 Modeling environments linked to GIS  

6. Application examples and future trends

6.1. Natural resources

6.2 Socio-economic

6.3 Integrated models of complex systems

6.4 Future trends

7. Summary  

8. Review and study questions

9. Reference materials

9.1 Print References

9.2 Web references


We are very interested in your comments and suggestions for improving this material.  Please follow the link above to the evaluation form if you would like to contribute in this manner to this evolving project.


To reference this material use the appropriate variation of the following format:Mitasova H. and Mitas L. (1998) Process Modeling and Simulations, NCGIA Core Curriculum in GIScience,, posted November, 1998.

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Created: January 15, 1998  Last revised: November 15, 1998

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