Given a value for an attribute of the data at a particular site, visualization is accomplished by mapping the value to one or more characteristics of the marker. For each data attribute, SG3d allows a transformation consisting of an add_value and a multiply_value which converts the data value to visualization units (vis_value = (add_val + attribute_val) * mult_val). In the case of color, three attributes (representing red, green, and blue components) may be used to map a single characteristic, color by selecting the Read RGB toggle button. SG3d expects values in the range 0.0 to 1.0 to represent color when using this option. If a single identifier is entered in the fields: entry box, then a grey shade will be calculated from the attribute, otherwise three identifiers must be entered to specify which attributes should represent the red, green, and blue components of color, respectively. If Use category or Use value for color are selected, the existing GRASS color lookup functions are used for the transformed value, according to the color table as represented by a specified color (raster) file. GRASS only provides color lookup for raster data so you may have to create an empty raster unless you can use a color table from an existing raster. The characteristic of variable shape is accomplished by having an "alternative" size field which is used to scale the marker vertically.
"Info" button: Selecting "Info" prints to the text window a summary of what attribute fields, categories, dimensions, and string fields are present in the current sites file. Labels are printed for each field if present and attribute fields are numbered in the order they exist in the file. This is the number you would use to identify the field for use in visualization (see below).
Identifying site data elements to SG3d: On the new sites panel, for each visual characteristic of the marker there are text entry fields to identify which site field you want to use for that characteristic. Legal values for this entry are:
The in box check box applies to any of the site labels - it will draw a grey-shaded box which contrasts to the color chosen for the label before writing the label within the box, ensuring legibility of the label. Any combination of category, string, or value information may be used for the label. The label string will be created using first any category information (if the category checkbox is selected), then any string information (if the strings checkbox is selected), then any double attribute information (if the values checkbox is selected). Multiple fields may be requested in arbitrary order by entering text in the fields: entry box such as:
Using the format described above, multiple fields may be specified in
the fields: entry box with the piechart
box checked to produce piechart labels such as those in
the example (click on image for larger image), which was drawn
using settings as indicated by
this image of the panel.
Colors for the pie wedges are selected by using the "custom" colors
from the color bar, in reverse order (right to left), then proceeding
with the constant colors from the color bar if there are more than 5
ratio fields. Therefore, to change the colors, edit the "custom"
colors by selecting set (next to the color bar).
Size of the piechart probably ought to be controlled by setting
font size, but instead it is currently implemented so that you must
use the size slider on the Sites
panel. Settings at the top of the Label panel
are used to determine font size and color for all labels, including
those used to label pie wedges when label values
is selected. Double precision values in the sites file used to
generate piecharts should range from 0.0 - 1.0 and the sum of those
used should not be greater than 1.0.
Note that precision does not affect the
wedge labels; they are always rounded to the nearest whole percent.
Site labels are not drawn for sites which would
lie on a masked portion of the surface.