GMSLab, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


1. Introduction:

problem (Mitas and Mitasova 1997) soil analysis is needed for assesing the fertilizer need, suitability for certain crop or vegetation, assessing polution and erosion damage (inputs for erosion model, impact of erosion on soils) etc.

2. Methods

Interpolation: 2D and 3D RST (regularized spline with tension and smoothing: theory and properties; see Mitas and Mitasova 1988, Mitasova and Mitas 1993, Mitasova et al. 1995, Mitas and Mitasova 1997, Mitas and Mitasova: in preparation) link to interp.html


3. Results

All volume models have vertical exageration 100

Soil horizons

sites movie land use

Long term traditional land use had a significant impact on spatial distribution of chemicals in soil, as shown in the following examples.

Soil chemistry analysis:

a) soil reaction (ph)

Volume model incorporates the vertical relationship into interpolation and allows more efficient visual analysis

The highest acidity is on terrain surface in grass area and it extends over most of the area in deeper horizons

b) organic carbon

The highest concentration of organic matter is in the long term grass area. The amount of organic matter rapidly decreases with depth.

c) plant available K

Area has surplus of Potassium with maximum concentrations in grassy area (serves as filter/accumulation area?). Concentrations decrease with depth, except for a hop field in valley where the higher concentrations extend well bellow the A horizon.

d) plant available P

Area has surplus of Phosphates, with maximum concentrations in valleys (depressions) Concentrations decrease with depth...? (volume model, solid: opt, surplus)

Location of optimal and surplus K, P : intersection of solids

Note that the optimal concentrations od K,P cover only a small surface area (find better visualization for this) and they are located mostly bellow surface in lower horizons.

e) total nitrogen

f) bulk density

Size fraction analysis:

Soil color:

Soil texture and structure:

qualitative/descriptive data, use point symbols

Derived soil parameters:

a) hydraulic conductivity

The values of hydraulic conductivity were derived for each 3D point based on the particle size distribution using equations from WEPP manual. The values were then interpolated to a 3D raster which can be used as an input for 3D infiltration model or visualized using isosurfaces or crossections:

4. Application to land management

5. Conclusion

Highest concentrations, acidity, chemicals in grassy area - does it serve as depository/filter? K,N,P different behavior as they have different location of max. concentration....

6. References

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