dspf color |
Name of an existing 3dcell map
Name of an existing display file Name of existing color table |
THE INTERACTIVE OPTIONS ARE: ?, (l #), L, (t #), (T # #), I, +, - (x #) (y #) (z #) r (X #) (Y #) (Z #) (B(x,y,z)#), (E(x,y,z)#), S, R, F, C, c, s, b, g, n, p[#], d, D, w, Q, h USAGE AND MEANING: ? lists available thresholds l index# [index#...] add threshold to display list L Draw current display list t index# reset so only this threshold is displayed T index# index# show thresholds between hi & lo I toggle thresholds INSIDE hi/lo or OUTSIDE hi/lo +(+++) display thresholds with consecutively increasing index# -(---) display thresholds with consecutively decreasing index# x int# absolute rotation around x-axis in degrees(int) y int# absolute rotation around y-axis in degrees(int) z int# absolute rotation around z-axis in degrees(int) r rotate_model X int# scale model in x Y int# scale model in y Z int# scale model in z B(x,y,z)int# begin display along (x,y,z) axis at # E(x,y,z)int# end display along (x,y,z)axis # S int# specular highlight control R resets display along axis to show all data F grid3name colortablename load new color file C toggles the c_flag c clears the display (no thresholds) s swap buffers b toggles draw a box g toggles grid n toggle surface normal direction p draw all walls p# draw a wall: 1-top, 2-bottom, 3-east, 4-west, 5-north, 6-south d draw (implement the option) D draw a solid defined by T(isosurface + parts of walls) w dump image to a file Q QUIT h help enter desired manipulations then press return >>