GRASS LOGO GRASS 5.x Reference Manual

This reference manual details the use of modules distributed with Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS), an open source (GNU GPL'ed), image processing and geographic information system (GIS)

NOTE: Some modules listed here are not yet available in GRASS 5.x.

GRASS development has been conducted since 1995 at USACERL, the GRASS Development Team at Baylor University, Texas and University of Hannover, Germany are now the official sites for all new research, development, testing, distribution, training, and support.

One line command reference - overview

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Reference Manual Sections

(last update: 23. October 2000)

Database Commands
Display Commands
General Commands
Grid 3D Commands
Imagery Commands - Overview
Miscellaneous Commands
Models: simulation models
Paint Commands
Photo Commands
PostScript Commands
Raster Commands - [complete GRASS 4.x/5.x raster command list]
Shell Scripts
Sites Commands
Vector Commands

NVIZ2.2 visualization tool tutorial

Commands Missing a Manual Page

Draft GRASS 5 programming instructions
The manual explains the capabilities, syntax, and use of current GRASS 5.x modules. Sections contain entries which are ordered alphabetically by module name. Each entry contains:

Each entry may optionally include a description of the module's operation in interactive mode, and a discussion of "bugs," limitations, or special notes of interest.

Throughout the manual, module input to be explicitly entered by the user is printed in bold text. User-specified input (i.e., variables set by the user) is set in italic type. Boxed text shows information output to the user's terminal screen.

Get all manual/programming pages in a package (local server, 3.2 MB tar.gz) [from Hannover site] [from Baylor site]
- GRASS Europe Site
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WWW Pages maintained by Lisa Zygo
with updates from Markus Neteler and Helena Mitasova