EarthData LIDAR Sample Data Bare Earth Sample File Name: Format: ASCII, EarthData Binary File* Description: Processed LIDAR bare earth data for tile 20,000x20,000 grid L_000808 Geographic Extents (Xmin,Ymin, Xmax, Ymax): 2420000,780000,2440000,800000 Datum: North Carolina State Plain Feet - NAD83, NAVD88 Vertical Datum Raw Preprocessed Data File Name: L_000808.ebn Format: EarthData Binary File* Description: Preprocessed LIDAR Data containing all returns. Geographic Extents (Xmin,Ymin, Xmax, Ymax): 2420000,780000,2440000,800000 Datum: North Carolina State Plain Feet - NAD83, NAVD88 Vertical Datum 3D Stream Centerlines File Name: L_000808BL.shp,L_000808BL.dbf,L_000808BL.shx Format: ESRI 3D Shapefile Description: Stream centerlines and edge of bank lines. Geographic Extents (Xmin,Ymin, Xmax, Ymax): 2420000,780000,2440000,800000 Datum: North Carolina State Plain Feet - NAD83, NAVD88 Vertical Datum _________________________________________________________________________________ *EARTHDATA BINARY LIDAR DATA FORMAT Header (4096 bytes) LIDAR Point Records Description Type Length X-Coordinate double 8 Y-Coordinate double 8 Z-Coordinate float 4 Status Byte 1 see below 1 Status Byte 2 see below 1 Flight Index ID integer 2 TOTAL 24 Status Byte 1- Echo Information Bits 1-2 Value first of many 00 first and only 01 intermediate 10 last of many 11 Bits 3-5 return 1 000 return 2 001 return 3 010 return 4 011 return 5 100 unassigned 101 unassigned 110 unassigned 111 Bit 6 overage overage = 1 Bit 7 preferred (initially = overage) preferred = 0 Bit 8 cross-flight crossflight = 1 Status Byte 2- Classification Bits 1-4 unclassified 0000 noise 0001 water 0010 top of canopy 0011 intermediate veg 0100 buildings 0101 misc. structures 0110 bare earth 0111 Bits 5-8 currently unassigned