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Panama and Chagres River Watershed Analysis
Helena Mitasova, NCSU
When using the images posted here, please credit this site as:
Mitasova, H. 2003-2006, Panama Watershed Analysis,
GIS data processing is performed for the ARO project: Chagres River Tropical Watershed Study
Panama DEM, based on SRTM 90m resolution data
Entire Panama DEM
Panama DEM, analyzed subset with extracted main rivers
Panama rivers
Preliminary Panama watersheds analysis based on SRTM 90M resolution DEM
Main rivers and watersheds, 83-82deg west
All extracted streams 83-82deg west
Main, 82-81 deg west
All, 82-81 deg west
Main, 81-80 deg west
All, 81-80 deg west
Main, 80-79 deg west
All, 80-79 deg west
Main, 79-78 deg west
All, 79-78 deg west
The straight lines are in areas with large water bodies. There are few small areas
with no-data (holes), mostly in mountains - those areas will be reinterpolated.
For the Central Panama see maps for Chagres, Pequeni, Cuango and Pacora basins below
with more detailed analysis based on IFSARE data.
The entire analysis can be done in hours instead of days using
SRTM DEM with major rivers extracted by r.terraflow
SRTM DEM with more detailed stream network extracted by r.terraflow
Watershed analysis for Pequeni, Cuango and Pacora basins (50m resolution)
Location of sites sampled in Jan. 2006
Location of old and new sites sampled
All studied basins and streams; 2005 sites
Flowaccumulation and sites for all studied basins
Flowaccumulation and sites for northern basins
Flowaccumulation and sites for Pacora basin
Chagres and northern basins and streams
Pequeni basin and stream network
Section of Pequeni basin stream network with lower threshold (10m resolution DEM)
Pacora flow accumulation at 30m res draped on terrain
Pacora flow accumulation at 30m res (2D)
(note that 50m res. result fixes the confluence with T river)
Images based on 25m and 50m resolution analysis
Comparison of stream extraction tools
High resolution (10m) images for February 2003 study areas
go to
and download map*.jpg images
Lower left (SW) coordinates for the UTM grid for each image are here:
grey : 500m grid, black: 1000m grid A Upper Chagrito 683900,1035500 B Chamor 681400,1025300 C Vistamares 673800,1020200 D Esperanza-Chagres confluence 674200,1029700 E Upper Chico 666000,1032700 F Lower Chagres 659900,1020200
Draft presentation
Overview of layers available at NCSU
Vector data layers in a zip file shape files for geology, land cover, stream network
Coordinates of the field sites on the streams: plain text file field sites
Original 10m resolution IFSARE-based DEM, basin/sub-basins and stream networks:
Information about these layers
DEM (47MB)||
Basin 50m||
Basin 25m||
Stream directions 50m||
Stream directions 25m||
Stream directions 10m||
Filled 10m resolution IFSARE-based DEM, basin/sub-basins and stream networks:
(do not use, this is just for comparison of algorithms)
DEM (46MB)||
Basin 50m||
Basin 25m||
Stream directions 50m||
Stream directions 25m||
Selected statistics about the watershed
Basin size = 576.90 sq km or 120,000 ha
This project is supported by Army Research Office and National Research Council