Revisions and updates to this layer include: 1.) filename: cb1001298 The December 1998 update to this layer consisted of projecting the data from NAD27 datum, State Plane projection, units of measure feet TO: NAD83 DATUM, State Plane PROJECTION, UNITS OF MEASURE METERS. This was done to comply with the NC Geographic Information Coordinating Council's "Statement of Direction for North Carolina Corporate Geographic Database Horizontal Reference, Datum and Unit of Measure". This reprojecting was done in various ways depending on the data type and content. Vector data was projected using the 'project' command in ESRI's Arc software and topology was cleaned and built based on coverage needs. Raster data was projected using ESRI's Grid module and various steps as applicable.
Revisions and updates to this layer include: None (this file was previously named nc100.cb)
A DOT-based county boundaries coverage at approximately 1:126,720 also exists in the Corporate Database. This DOT coverage should be used in conjunction with other data layers that were developed (i.e., clipped) using this coverage. Some of these coverages are: General Geology (1:250,000-scale) General Soils (1:250,000-scale) 1980 Census Boundaries/Population Federal Land Ownership
CB100.PAT Polygon Attribute Table COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE DEC DESCRIPTION 1 AREA 4 12 F 3 Total area in meters 5 PERIMETER 4 12 F 3 Total perimeter in meters 9 CB100# 4 5 B - Poly internal id number 13 CB100-ID 4 5 B - Poly user id number 17 CO# 4 7 C - Federal Information Processing Standard code for county 21 CO-NAME 15 15 C - County name 36 CO-ABBR 4 4 C - County name abbreviation 40 ACRES 4 12 F 2 Total acres per county NC100.CB.AAT Arc Attribute Table COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE DEC DESCRIPTION 1 FNODE# 4 5 B - From-node id of linear feature 5 TNODE# 4 5 B - To-node id of linear feature 9 LPOLY# 4 5 B - Left-side polygon id of linear feature 13 RPOLY# 4 5 B - Right-side polygon id of linear feature 17 LENGTH 4 12 F 3 Length of linear feature in meters 21 CB100# 4 5 B - Internal id number 25 CB100-ID 4 5 B - Internal id number 29 ATYPE 4 5 B - Arc type 33 ANAME 15 15 C - Arc name