Helena Mitasova and Margery Overton, NCSU; funded by ARO and NRC
DRAFT FIGURES - click on the image to get the full size, complete figure

Figure 1 Location of JR

Figure 2 Dune sections, road test points, profiles

Figure 3 Elevation data 1915-2004

Figure 4 Topographic parameters

Figure 5. Peak migration

Figure 6 Overlay of elevation surfaces Figure 6 different version

Figure 7. Horizontal migration and volume change

Figure 8. Elevation differences Figure 8. differennt version

Figure 9 Evolution of land cover

Figure 10 Dune mnagement

separate images and additional pictures

1974-1995 1995 and 2001
overlays for each time interval- only dunes >6m are displayed

1995-1998 1998-1999

1999-2001 2001-2004(limited data)

The slip face on the lower souther arm of the main dune flipped from east to west 1974-1995

Individual images: DEMs with change draped over the surface (blue is deposition, red-yellow is erosion, see the legend below)

1974-95 1995-98 1998-99 1999-01 2001-04

Additional Historical and current photos
Wright brothers' photos 1900-1910 at Kitty Hawk
Trees taken over by dunes at Kitty Hawk 1900
More trees taken over by dunes at Kitty Hawk 1900
Trees were quite big at Kitty Hawk 1900
Woods at Kitty Hawk 1900
More of the Wright brothers' photos

Aerial photo 1932 (courtesy USACE FRF Duck,NC)
Aerial photo 1932 north(courtesy USACE FRF Duck,NC)

additional photos: Current Jockey's Ridge 2000-2003