GeoIS-EM Home         Bald Head Island South Beach evolution

Helena Mitasova, Tom Drake, NCSU
Dave Bernstein, CMWS CCU, Jessie McNinch, VIMS, Carl Miller, USACE

GIS data processing is performed in collaboration with FRF

The most recent results are in the presentation:
H. Mitasova, T. Drake, R. Harmon, J. McNinch, D. Bernstein, C. Freeman, Spatio-temporal Analysis of Rapidly Evolving Coastal Topography using Open Source GRASS GIS. FRF Duck meeting, Feb. 7, 2003.
sdd slides and ppt slides

Official long term erosion rates

based on data through 1998

based on data through 1992 select Lockwood Folly inlet to Cape Fear

Dynamic Models of BHI short term evolution

South Beach and Cape Fear 1997-2003
Cape Fear 1997-2003
West section of South Beach 1997-2003

Evolution after the nourishment

Lidar 2000, Lidar 2000 + Dec. 2001, Lidar 2000 + May 2002, Lidar 2000 + Sep. 2002, Lidar 2000 + May and Sep. 2002
for 2003 images see the presentation above

Change in bathymetry 2000 - 2001, data are from the FRF web site

Note: the interferometric elevations posted for 2000 are 30-50cm higher than the 2000 LARC data and probably also the 2001 data in stable areas. This is visible in the 2000 bathymtery (especially along the single path of the interferometric data crossing the area mapped by LARC) and in the change map where this path and most of the area mapped by interferometric sonar shows decrease in elevation (erosion).

Input datafor 2000: blue LARC, white interf. sonar, for 2001, already gridded data were used with non-gridded section filled-in by grid interpolated from LARC data. Bathymetry 2000 Bathymetry 2001
Change 2000-2001, red:erosion,blue:deposition Change 2000-2001 along the South Beach based on LARC data only

Comment: The change map shows increase in elevation (0.5-1.5m) along a 50-150m wide strip of the South Beach. Increase in elevation on the Frying Pan shoals has been as much as 2m. Farther off the South beach shore the bathymetry is extremely stable with change in elevations 10-20cm.

Selected preliminary processing and analysis

RTK-GPS Data processing: spatial interpolationwith anisotropy

Bald Head Island shore 1997 - 2000