Figure captions and figures which can be used with the paper: are at our website temp
P.S. I will be happy to review the book on VR.
Figure 2. Examples of upslope contributing areas representing steady state water flow
using different flow routing algorithms: a) D8 routing to one of the 8 neighboring
cells, b) vector-grid algorithm using 360 directions (Mitasova et al. 1996),
c) 2D flow as a solution of bivariate continuity equation - physicas based approach
which incorporates dispersal flow, filling of depressions and flooding of flat areas.
figure 2 tiff
Figure 3 Visualization and interaction with terrain model and simulated water
flow in Virtual reality CAVE (Reez and Johnston 1998).
figure 3 tiff
Figure 4. Watershed representation and modeling using a) lumped approach
for spatially aggregated hydrologic units (units courtesy Deva Borah, Illinois
State Water Survey), b) distributed approach at 20m resolution. Distributed
approach shows that the watershed has sound land use design with
forest buffers along the streams minimizing sediment delivery from
upland agricultural fields to streams, a fact which is not captured
by the traditional lumped approach.
Figure 4 tiff this is just for preview, please print the EPS file
to get the full resolution
Figure 4 eps this should be suitable for reproduction, if not,
I will redo it