C.3.2 Multiscale spatial simulation of landscape processes based on duality of particles and fields.
Landscape process simulations will provide the methods for analysis of the current state of the landscape, predictions for for evaluation of the current and planned land use impacts and tools for intelligent landscape manipulation, optimization with a potential to develop innovative conservation strategies.
Process-based modeling of geospatial phenomena is difficult and involve much more uncertainty than highly developed computational methods in physics or chemistry. One of the key reasons is the complexity of landscape phenomena, multitude of processes across a range of scales and/or lack of data. The practical solutions rely on the best available combination of physical models, empirical evidence, experience from previous studies and available measured data. Landscape processes are therefore often described by a combination of physically-based and empirical models and integration with field measurements (data adaptive simulation) is especially important for increasing the realiability of predictions. Most of physically-based models have the following components:
Model constituents with corresponding physical quantities such as concentration, density, velocity, etc. Typically, the physical quantities depend on position in space and on time and can be characterized either as fields or particles.
Configuration space and its range of validity for fields and/or particles. This includes specification of initial, external or boundary conditions, as well as physical conditions and parameters.
Interactions between the constituents such as impact of one field on another, interactions between particles and fields, etc.
Governing equations derived from natural laws which describe the behavior of the system in space, and time. The typical examples are continuity, mass and momentum conservation, diffusion-advection, reaction kinetics and similar types of equations.
Spatial processes described by the governing differential equations are usually solved by discretization methods. Typical apporaches include finite difference (REF, Julien and Saghafian, ...) and finite element methods (REF: Burnett, 1987, SMS, GMS, WMS). Besides these approaches we also plan to explore other alternatives such as path sampling (similar methods are known as path integrals in physics and random walks in stochastic processes). The path sampling is based on the property that a field can be represented by an ensemble of sampling points. For eaxample, the scalar field is defined by the density of sampling points in space. This correspondence is valid also in the opposite direction and very often the ensembles of particles are described by continuous fields. The duality of field <=> particle density is routinely employed in physics to reformulate and solve complicated problems involving interacting systems with many degrees of freedom. Gardiner (1985) The path sampling method has been successfully used for linear or weakly nonlinear transport or time propagation problems which involve processes such as diffusion, advection, rate (proliferation/decay), reactions and others. The method (under various names and modifications) have been applied in in physics, chemistry, finance and other disciplines (REF LUBOS add). It has several important advantages when compared with more traditional approaches. The method is very robust, can be easily extended into arbitrary dimension, is mesh-free and is very efficient on parallel architectures (as an example of "embarrassing parallelism" it is efficient even on loosely coupled heterogeneous clusters of PCs and workstations). The method is also rather straightforward to implement in a multi-scale framework with data adaptive capabilities. For landscape applications, the method has been used very successfully for distributed modeling of overland water and sediment flow and erosion/deposition (Mitas and Mitasova 1998) including multi-scale applications (XXX). The path sampling approaches have a promising potential also for a number of other geoscientific applications.
Many natural processes involve more than a single scale and exhibit multi-scale, multi-process phenomena (Steyaert1993, Green et al. 2000). Problem of multiple scales now permeates several scientific disciplines such as materials research, geosciences, and biology. Some multiscale problems can be partitioned into a hierarchy of nested models in the direction from fine to coarse scales. The model on a given scale incorporates simplified or "smoothed out" effects coming from finer, more accurate levels. In the direction from coarse to fine scales, one develops a set of effective embeddings which determine boundary and/or external conditions for the processes at finer scales. The high accuracy, resolution and processes of fine scales are then used only in "hot spots" of the studied system which require such a treatment.Implementation of multiscale get from Vienna paper EQUATIONS?
To improve the accuracy and reliability of the models the simulations will be coupled with field data. We will investigate the impact of location and temporal interval of sampling and possibilities to find the optimal/cost effective relation between the models and measurements (at which point additional measurements are not necessary, adapting time interval of sampling to the monitored conditions - e.g. short interval during storms, long interval during stable dry weather, short interval/higher resolution during construction, long interval/lower resolution after development is finished). The models will use the field data to adapt the simulation by changing the conditions of simulation (terrain shape, transport parameters), calibrating the accuracy of the simulated water depth to the measured one and similar combinations of computational and real experiments.
Based on the experiences with the previous successful development and application of the path sampling method, the underlying algorithms will be further enhanced and implemented as robust simulation modules / components which will allow to build more sophisticated models of various spatial processes.
3 Multiscale path sampling simulations fig - different
effects at dif. scales?
C.3.3 Spatial optimization
We plan the development of intelligent tools for manipulation of landscape, and optimization of complex spatial systems with applications to landuse optimizations, improving conservation measures while minimizinf the cost and similar tasks. solutions within prescribed constraints.
One of the key ingredients is
a framework for optimization
of multi-variate objects (eg, spatial
distribution of conservation measures). In order to formulate,
quantify and solve these tasks we will use the
fromulation of the 'cost or penalty' functional with two types of
inputs. The first part is a set of fields fk (r,t),
which represent the natural processes and
phenomena of interest (for example, sediment flux resulting from a rainfall event).
The set of fields gl(r,t), on the other hand,
describe the spatial distribution of
quantities or measures which represent anthropogenic activities to be optimized
(eg, distribution of grass strips/buffers to prevent formation of highly
concentrated flows). We assume that once the fields
gl(r,t) are specified
we can find the corresponding fk(r,t) by solving the
appropriate model or using measured data or both.
The cost functional is then written as an integral over the
space O and time T
t), gl (r, t), pm]=
\int_{O, T} F [fk (r, t),
gl(r, t), pm]
where the function F determines the local cost for a given configuration of
fields fk(r,t ) and
gl(r,t) and k,l,m
are enumerating indices.
The optimal solution given by such a configuration of the fields
fields gl^{opt}(r, t)
which fulfill the minimization condition
C[ {fk( r, t), gl^{opt}(
r, t), pm^{opt}] = min
(2) and
at the same time fulfill any additional prescribed constraints.
The constraints
can have various character such as non-negativity of a particular
field gl(r, t)> 0, prescribed
interval of values, continuity or compactness in spatial
distribution. For the actual optimization of the functional (2) it
is important to specify how to vary efficiently the fields
t) and the choice of the optimization
order to transform the variation of the multi-variate fields
into a variation of simple variables we will employ expansions
in several types of basis sets . The multi-variate field is expressed
as a linera combination of basis set functions and and the expansion
coefficients become variational variables.
basis sets we plan to explore include
raster or block-raster basis, local continuous functions such as
gaussians and regularized spline with tensions. The choice will
depend on the actual application and will be determined by
considerations such as required resolution and accuracy, continuity or character
of constraints.
The optimization of large
number of expansion coefficients can quickly become intractable
and the choice of a number of basis functions, desired accuracy and
choice of optimization methods
will have to be done judiciously.
There are essentially two limiting types of
the "cost landscape" and which also
determine the choice of appropriate optimization strategies. In the
case of a single or a few local minima, standard methods from
optimization libraries, such as efficient quasi-Newton method
can be used. In the other extreme is the cost landscape
with a large number of local extremes with almost the same
cost or with hierarchical structures. For these cases we plan to
use robust minimization techniques based on simulated annealing or
genetic algorithms (Kirkpatrick 1983, Goldberg 1989). Most likely in
real situations one will need to include a combination of both
methods to achieve the desired generality and robustness.