Method for creating animation of calculation
# Start interpolation on another machine
# stp_bathy elev=watch02 tens=20.0 \
# smooth=0.3 mask=mask.6 tree=watch02.tree
# Link new file created in .tmp/machine_name to $LOCATION/cell/watch2
# also create a $LOCATION/cellhd/watch2 file containing the current window,
# plus the lines:
# format: 3
# compressed: 0
# OPTIONAL d.rast slows it down a little
# OPTIONAL add "sleep xx" for longer computations
set t = 1
while ( 1 )
d.rast watch2
r.out.ppm watch2 out=$t.ppm
@ t++
# fix numbers in names to use preceding zeros
# \ls ?.ppm ??.ppm | \
# awk -F"." ' { printf "mv %s %03d.ppm\n", $0, $1 } ' > dofix
# sh dofix
# Now import each ppm, use it as a mask to capture interpolation
# results (watch02) at that step, draw the result to a D_cell and overlay
# the vector treefile, export as ppm.
# cellhd2 is header file to shift imported ppm to current window
# so that it aligns with the treefile
rm -f tmp.ppm
foreach i (*.ppm)
g.region rast=watch02
imflip -yf $i tmp.ppm tmp.ppm out=tmp.ppm
cp cellhd2 $LOCATION/cellhd/tmp.ppm
r.null tmp.ppm null=5
r.mapcalc watch.tmp="if(tmp.ppm==5,watch02,tmp.ppm)"
cp $LOCATION/colr/WATCH $LOCATION/colr/watch.tmp
d.mon start=CELL
d.erase aqua
d.rast watch.tmp
d.vect watch02.tree co=brown
d.mon stop=CELL
g.region rast=D_cell
r.out.ppm D_cell out=cell.$i
# OPTIONAL: might also need to remove some window border, e.g.
# imcopy $i -xposition 86 -xsize 466 n.$i.rgb
foreach i (cell.*.ppm)
imconv $i $i.rgb
gzip $i
echo $i
rgb2gifanim watch cell.*.rgb