USA CERL                                                                                                                          GMSLab

  Using Soil Erosion Modeling for Improved Conservation Planning: 
A GIS-based Tutorial

Deriving erosion modeling inputs from a land cover/land use map

USGS National Land Cover Data Classes

For a detailed description of these classes, see the class definitions at the USGS web site.

1 Water
     11 Open Water
     12 Perennial Ice/Snow
2 Developed
     21 Low Intensity Residential
     22 High Intensity Residential
     23 Commercial/Industrial/Transportation
3 Barren
     31 Bare Rock/Sand/Clay
     32 Quarries/Strip Mines/Gravel Pits
     33 Transitional     
4 Forested Upland
     41 Deciduous Forest
     42 Evergreen Forest
     43 Mixed Forest
5 Shrubland
     51 Shrubland
6 Non-Natural Woody
     61 Orchards/Vineyards/Other 
7 Herbaceous Upland Natural/Semi-natural Vegetation
     71 Grasslands/Herbaceous
8 Herbaceous Planted/Cultivated
     81 Pasture/Hay
     82 Row Crops
     83 Small Grains
     84 Fallow
     85 Urban/Recreational Grasses
9 Wetlands
     91 Woody Wetlands
     92 Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands

Land cover classes and C-factor for Ft. Hood vegetation map

It is strongly recommended that local C-factor estimates are used as values vary depending on % ground cover for each class, as well as, surface roughness and plant residue.

  # Description                          C-factor (approximate)
| 1|Juniper Forest                           0.0005 - 0.001                     
| 2|Live Oak Forest                          0.0005 - 0.001                        
| 3|Upland Deciduous Forest                  0.0005 - 0.001                           
| 4|North Slope Deciduous Forest             0.0005 - 0.001                            
| 5|South Slope Deciduous Forest             0.0005 - 0.001                             
| 6|Alluvial Deciduous Forest                0.0005 - 0.001                              
| 9|Live Grassland/Herbaceous                0.005  - 0.01                                 
|10|Dormant Grassland/Herbaceous             0.05   - 0.1                                
|11|Water                                    0                                 
|12|Bare Ground                              0.5    - 1.0                
|16|Hardscape/Roads                          0

HOME                                                        H. Mitasova, et al.,  Geographic Modeling Systems Lab, UIUC