#include "gis.h"
This structure is defined in gis.h, but there should be no reason to access its elements directly:
    struct TimeStamp {
	DateTime dt[2];   /* two datetimes */
	int count;
Using the G_*_timestamp routines reads/writes a timestamp file in the cell_misc/rastername or dig_misc/vectorname mapset element.

A TimeStamp can be one DateTime, or two DateTimes representing a range. When preparing to write a TimeStamp, the programmer should use one of:
G_set_timestamp to set a single DateTime
G_set_timestamp_range to set two DateTimes.

G_read_raster_timestamp (name, mapset, ts)
char *name, *mapset;
struct TimeStamp *ts;

Returns 1 on success.  0 or negative on error.

int G_read_vector_timestamp (name, mapset, ts) char *name, *mapset; struct TimeStamp *ts; Returns 1 on success. 0 or negative on error.

G_get_timestamps (ts, dt1, dt2, count) struct TimeStamp *ts; DateTime *dt1, *dt2; int *count; Use to copy the TimeStamp information into Datetimes, so the members of struct TimeStamp shouldn't be accessed directly. count=0 means no datetimes were copied count=1 means 1 datetime was copied into dt1 count=2 means 2 datetimes were copied

G_init_timestamp (ts) struct TimeStamp *ts; Sets ts->count = 0, to indicate no valid DateTimes are in TimeStamp.

G_set_timestamp (ts, dt) struct TimeStamp *ts; DateTime *dt; Copies a single DateTime to a TimeStamp in preparation for writing. (overwrites any existing information in TimeStamp)

G_set_timestamp_range (ts, dt1, dt2) struct TimeStamp *ts; DateTime *dt1, *dt2; Copies two DateTimes (a range) to a TimeStamp in preparation for writing. (overwrites any existing information in TimeStamp)

int G_write_raster_timestamp (name, ts) char *name; struct TimeStamp *ts; Returns: 1 on success. -1 error - can't create timestamp file -2 error - invalid datetime in ts

int G_write_vector_timestamp (name, ts) char *name; struct TimeStamp *ts; Returns: 1 on success. -1 error - can't create timestamp file -2 error - invalid datetime in ts int G_format_timestamp (ts, buf) struct TimeStamp *ts; char *buf; Returns: 1 on success -1 error int G_scan_timestamp (ts, buf) struct TimeStamp *ts; char *buf; Returns: 1 on success -1 error int G_remove_raster_timestamp (name) char *name; Only files in current mapset can be removed Returns: 0 if no file 1 if successful -1 on fail int G_remove_vector_timestamp (name) char *name; Only files in current mapset can be removed Returns: 0 if no file 1 if successful -1 on fail