draw - Draws this map object on the display.

	delete - Deletes this map from gsf's internal list of maps.
          Note that this will not delete the command for the map from
          the interpreter.  It is an UNCHECKED error to invoke
          commands on a deleted map (in other words, it will probably
          cause a core dump).

	set_drawmode [poly | wire_poly | wire | col_wire] 
                     [gouraud | flat] - Set the rendering attributes
          for the given map object.  Note that the map object must be
          a surface.  The first attribute sets the surface style.  The
          second attribute sets the shading style.

	get_drawmode - Returns the rendering attributes for the given
          map object.  Note that the map object must be a surface.  A
          two element list is returned with the first element
          indicating the shade style and the second element indicating
          the surface style.

	get_res [ wire | poly | both ] - Get the wire or poly (or both)
          resolution of this map object.  Note that the map object
          must be a surface.  The result is a Tcl list indicating the
          appropriate x and y resolution of the map.  If both is
          specified then poly resolution is returned as the first two
          list components, followed by wire resolution.

	set_res [ wire x y | poly x y | both x1 y1 x2 y2 ] - Set the
          wire or poly (or both) resolution of this map object.  Note
          that the map object must be a surface.  If both is specified
          then (x1, y1) correspond to poly resolution, whereas (x2,
          y2) correspond to wire resolution.

	set_wirecolor [ color | UseMap ] - Set the wire color for this
          map.  Note that the map object must be a surface.  Color is
          a 24-bit constant in the format #RRGGBB (standard Tcl color
          format).  If the string UseMap is specified (rather than a
          color) then wire color is based on the color attribute of
          the map.

	get_wirecolor - Returns the wire color for this map.  Note
          that the map object must be a surface.  The string UseMap is
          returned if wire color is derived from the color attribute
          for the map, otherwise an integer in the format 0xRRGGBB is

	set_nozero [topo | color] mode - Consider/ignore zeros in the
          topography or color attributes of the map.  Note that the
          map object must be a surface.  Mode may either be 0 (false)
          or 1 (true).  A value of true will ignore zero values in the
          specified attribute.

	get_nozero [topo | color] - Return whether or not zeros are
          ignored for the given map attribute.  Note that the map
          object must be a surface.  A 1 is returned for true, 0

	get_trans - Return the x, y and z coordinates of the map.
          The return value is Tcl list in the format (x, y, z).
	set_trans x y z - Set the x, y and z coordinates of the map.

	select_surf map - Select a given surface map object as a drape
          surface for the current map.  Note that this command may
          only be invoked on a vect or site map object.  Map specifies
          a surface map object (i.e. a command with a name of the form

	unselect_surf map - Remove the given surface map object as a
          drape surface for the current map.  Note that this command
          may only be invoked on a vect or site map object.  Map
          specifies a surface map object (i.e. a command with a name
          of the form Nsurf).

	surf_is_selected map - Return true if the given surface map
          object is a drape surface for the current map.  Note that
          this command may only be invoked on a vect or site map
          object.  Map specifies a surface map object (i.e. a command
          with a name of the form Nsurf).

	get_exag_guess - Get the gsf library exaggeration guess for
          this map object.  Note that the map object must be a
	set_exag value - Set the exaggeration value for this map to
          value.  Note that the map object must be a surface.

	load file_name - General load function used to load either a
          vector or site file.  Note that the map object must be a
          vect or site.  File_name specifies either a vect or site
          file as appropriate.  This function is equivalent to
          N set_att map file_name.

	get_att -
	  SURF Syntax: get_att [topo | color | mask | transp | shin | emi]
          VECT Syntax: get_att [color | width | map]
          SITE Syntax: get_att [color | width | marker | size | useatt |
                                display | map]
          Get a general attribute of the current map.  

          For surfaces, one of the following is returned: "unset",
          "map ", or "const ".  Unset indicates that no
          value is specified for the attribute.  Map  indicates
          the name of the raster map used for the attribute.  Const
           indicates a constant raster map is used for the
          attribute with value .

          For vectors, "color" returns the integer constant in the
          form 0xRRGGBB being used for color, "width" returns the
          integer width of vector lines, and "map" returns the name of
          GRASS vector file used for this object.

          For sites, "color" returns the integer constant in the form
          0xRRGGBB being used for color; "width" is unused and returns
          and undefined value; "marker" returns "x" for an X marker,
          "sphere" for a sphere marker, and "diamond" for a diamond
          marker; "size" returns the floating point size of the
          marker; "useatt" is unused in the current version and
          returns an undefined value; "display" returns "3d" or
          "surfdisp" depending on whether 3d positions or a reference
          surface are used to display the sites; and "map" return the
          name of the GRASS site file used for this object.

	set_att -
          SURF Syntax:  set_att [topo | color | mask | transp | shin | emi] 
                                         [file_name | constant value]
          VECT Syntax:  set_att [ color | width | map] value
          SITE Syntax:  set_att [ color | width | marker |
                                           size | useatt | display | map]
          Set a general attribute of the current map.

          For surfaces, either a GRASS raster file or constant value
          may be specified for the attribute.  

          For vectors, color requires value to be a string of the form
          #RRGGBB (standard Tcl color encoding); width requires value
          to be an integer; and map expects value to specify a GRASS
          vector file.

          For sites, color requires value to be a string of the form
          #RRGGBB (standard Tcl color encoding); width is unused
          (setting its value has no effect); marker expects value to
          be one of "x", "sphere", or "diamond"; size requires value
          to be a floating point number; useatt is unused; display
          expects value to be either "3d" or "surfdisp"; and map
          expects value to specify a GRASS site file.

	unset_att [topo | color | mask | transp | shin | emi] - Unsets
          the specified attribute in the map.  Note that the map
          object must be a surface.  Subsequent queries to the
          specified attribute via get_att will return "unset".

	set_mask_mode [0 | 1] - Specify whether or not the mask
          attribute should be inverted.  Note that the map object must
          be a surface.  If 0 (false) is specified, the map is not

	get_mask_mode - Returns true if the mask attribute should be
          inverted, false otherwise.  Note that the map object must be
          a surface.
	set_logical_name string - Set the logical name of the given
          map object to "string".  The logical name is a string
          attribute associated with this map.  Logical names may be
          translated into map object command names and vice versa
          using the functions Nlogical_from_literal and

	get_logical_name - Get the logical name of the given map
          object.  The return value is a string.