set_ambient R G B - Set the ambient color for this light. R,
G, and B are floating point values between 0 and 1.
get_ambient - Get the ambient color components for this light.
A three element list is returned with red, green and blue
components in the first three entries.
set_bright val - Set the brightness component of this light to
"val", which is a floating point value between 0 and 1.
get_bright - Return the brightness component of this light.
The value returned is a floating point value between 0 and 1.
set_color R G B - Set the color for this light. R, G, and B
are floating point values between 0 and 1.
get_color - Return the color for this light. A three element
list is returned with red, green and blue components in the
first three entries.
set_position x y z w - Set the position of this light. X, y,
z, and w are arbitrary floating point values. Typically,
get_position - Return the position for this light. A four
element list is returned with x, y, z, and w components in
the first four entries.
switch [on | off] - Determine whether or not this light is on.
The argument has the obvious effect.