r.runoff (G-language) Generates an SCS curve number runoff map layer. It is a command-line interface for generating the runoff map by the SCS method.
r.runoff rf=rainfall_map cn=cn_map ro=runoff_map
- rf=map
- rainfall map name in mm
- cn=map
- CN map name
- ro=map
- output runoff map name in *100 mm
The command-line ordering can be in any form but all key
words must be there to run the program.
- r.runoff rf=rainfall_map cn=cn_map ro=runoff_map
will create a runoff map runoff_map
The r.runoff program is sensitive to the current window setting.
Thus the program can be used to generate a runoff map of any sub-area
within the full map layer. Also, r.runoff is sensitive to any mask in effect.
Raghavan Srinivasan and Dr. Bernie A. Engel, Agricultural
Engineering Department, Purdue University