in Raster surface layer to process
out Output raster layer containing morphometric parameter
s_tol Slope tolerance that defines a `flat' surface (degrees)
default: 1.0
c_tol Curvature tolerance that defines `planar' surface
default: 1.0
size Size of processing window (odd number only)
default: 3
param Morphometric parameter to calculate
options: elev,slope,aspect,profc,planc,longc,crosc,minic,maxic, feature
default: elev
exp Exponent for distance weighting (0.0-4.0)
default: 0.0
zscale Vertical scaling factor
default: 1.0
r.param.scale can calculate the following:
elev: Generalised elevation value.
slope: Maximum gradient at a point.
aspect: Direction of maximum gradient.
profc: Profile convexity (vertical in direction of steepest slope).
planc: Plan convexity (contour curvature).
crosc: Cross sectional convexity (tangent to contours, downslope).
longc: Longitudinal convexity (perpendicular to contours downslope).
minic: Minimum convexity.
maxic: Maximum convexity.
features: Morphometric features:
peaks, ridges, passes, channels, pits and planes.
Modified to include constrained fitting. Jo Wood, April, 1995 ------- Modified to include weighting matrix and double precision arithmetic. Jo Wood, 9th May, 1995. ------- Modified to include two separate tolerance values for feature detection. Jo Wood, 23rd May, 1995.
See also Java Code in LandSerf that implements the same procedure