r.out.pov - Converts a raster map layer into a height-field file for POVRAY.
(GRASS Raster Data Export Program)
r.out.pov help
r.out.pov [-h] map=name tga=name [hftype=value]
[bias=value] [scale=value]
r.out.pov converts a user-specified raster map layer (map==name) into a
height-field file for POVray (tga==name). The hftype==value option (where
value is either 0 or 1) specifies the height-field type. When the user
enters 0 the output will be actual heights. If entered 1 the cell-values
will be normalized. If hftype is 0 (actual heights) the bias==value can
be used to add or substract a value from heights. Use scale==value to scale
your heights by value. The GRASS program r.out.pov can be used to create
height- field files for Persistence of Vision (POV) raytracer. POV can
use a height-field defined in Targa (.TGA) image file format where the
RGB pixel values are 24 bits (3 bytes). A 16 bit unsigned integer height-field
value is assigned as follows: RED = high byte, GREEN = low byte, BLUE =
map=name Name of an existing raster map layer.
tga=name Name of TARGA outputfile (one should add the extension
hftype=value 0=actual heights, 1=normalized heights.
bias=value Bias which is added or substracted to heights.
scale=value Value to stretch or shrink elevations.
r.out.pov can be run either non-interactively or interactively.
The program will be run non-interactively if the user specifies the name
of a raster map layer and a name for tga (output), using the form
r.out.pov map=inname tga=outname
where inname is the name of a raster map layer to be converted
to POV format, and outname is the name of the outputfile. Further optional
values can be entered.
Alternately, the user can simply type r.out.pov on the
command line, without program arguments. In this case, the user will be
prompted for parameter values using the standard GRASS parser interface
described in the manual entry for parser.
r.out.pov map=elevation tga=out.tga
Klaus Meyer, GEUM.tec GbR, eMail:
This program is part of the contrib section of the GRASS distribution.
As such, it is externally contributed code that has not been examined or
tested by the Office of GRASS Integration.