The following menu is displayed:
Please provide the following information INITIAL XC: Meters __________ INITIAL YC: Meters __________ INITIAL ZC: Meters __________ INITIAL omega (roll) degrees: __________ INITIAL phi (pitch) degrees: __________ INITIAL kappa (yaw) degrees: __________ Standard Deviation XC: Meters __________ Standard Deviation YC: Meters __________ Standard Deviation ZC: Meters __________ Std. Dev. omega (roll) degrees: __________ Std. Dev. phi (pitch) degrees: __________ Std. Dev. kappa (yaw) degrees: __________ AFTER COMPLETING ALL ANSWERS, HIT <ESC> TO CONTINUE (OR <Ctrl-C> TO CANCEL)The INITIAL values for (XC,YC,ZC) are expressed in UTM coordinates, and represent an approximation for the location of the camera at the time of exposure.
The INITIAL values for (omega,phi,kappa) are expressed in degrees, and represent an approximation for the cameras attitude at the time of exposure.
The standard deviations for (XC,YC,ZC) are expressed in meters, and are used as a priori values for the standard deviations used in computation of the ortho rectification parameters.
The standard deviations for (omega,phi,kappa) are expressed in degrees, and are used as a priori values for the standard deviations used in computation of the ortho rectification parameters.