Since the CTG file may not contain all of layers listed above, m.lulc.USGS will extract only the raster map layers which exist in the CTG file.
The CTG file contains all of the geographic region definition information necessary for creating the raster map layers, including:
m.lulc.USGS will use the geographic region information definition supplied with the CTG file and NOT the geographic region definition currently set for the user's mapset; (note that this is different than is the case with many of the other GRASS map development commands).
When m.lulc.USGS is executed, it will check the file for a specified layer and then ask the user if he wishes to extract the associated raster map layer. The user is then prompted for the name of a new raster file in which output is to be placed. m.lulc.USGS will then create this raster file and all supporting (e.g., category, cell header, color table, etc.) files.
m.lulc.USGS lulc
MAP TITLE: DODGE CITY, KS 1:250,000 LU, PB, CN, HU, FO The Composite Theme Grid file contains <1> overlays and has a map code type of <01> Do you Wish to Create <LAND USE/LAND COVER> Raster File (y/n) [y] y Enter File Name for LAND USE/LAND COVER Overlay Enter 'list' for a list of existing raster files Hit RETURN to cancel request > landuse Creating <landuse> from <LAND USE/LAND COVER> Overlay: 95% Number of Categories: 76 (UNLABELED) Writing Cell Header Information Writing Color Table Information Conversion is Complete