test_distr_tgis_db_vector stderr

/usr/lib/python2.7/xml/etree/ElementTree.py:1638: DeprecationWarning: This method of XMLParser is deprecated.  Define doctype() method on the TreeBuilder target.
ERROR: setUpClass (__main__.TestRasterExtraction)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "temporal/t.connect/testsuite/test_distr_tgis_db_vector.py", line 40, in setUpClass
    cls.runModule("t.info", flags="d")
  File "etc/python/grass/gunittest/case.py", line 1098, in runModule
CalledModuleError: Module run 1 t.info ended with error
Process ended with non-zero return code t.info(, flags=u'd'). See the following errors:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "scripts/t.info", line 128, in <module>
  File "scripts/t.info", line 68, in main
    type_ = options["type"]
KeyError: 'type'

Ran 0 tests in 1.574s
FAILED (errors=1)