
./raster/r.info – test_r_info

Test failed

Test file./raster/r.info/testsuite/test_r_info.py
Return code1
Number of tests4
Successful tests2
Failed tests2
Percent successful50%
Test duration0:00:01.026738
Tested modulesr.info

Supplementary files

Standard error output (stderr)

/usr/lib/python2.7/xml/etree/ElementTree.py:1638: DeprecationWarning: This method of XMLParser is deprecated.  Define doctype() method on the TreeBuilder target.
FAIL: test_flagg (__main__.TestReport)
Testing flag g with map geology_30m using simple module
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "raster/r.info/testsuite/test_r_info.py", line 39, in test_flagg
    precision=2, sep="=")
  File "etc/python/grass/gunittest/case.py", line 254, in assertModuleKeyValue
    self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, stdMsg))
AssertionError: r.info map=lakes -g difference:
mismatch values (key, reference, actual): [('cells', 2025000, 86985600), ('cols', 1500, 8160), ('east', 645000, 517000), ('ewres', 10, 25), ('ncats', 43600, 1), ('north', 228500, 5146000), ('nsres', 10, 25), ('rows', 1350, 10660), ('south', 215000, 4879500), ('west', 630000, 313000)]
command: r.info map=lakes -g {'map': 'lakes', 'flags': 'g'}

FAIL: test_flagr (__main__.TestReport)
Testing flag r with map landcover_1m using simple module
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "raster/r.info/testsuite/test_r_info.py", line 46, in test_flagr
    precision=2, sep="=")
  File "etc/python/grass/gunittest/case.py", line 254, in assertModuleKeyValue
    self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, stdMsg))
AssertionError: r.info map=lakes -r difference:
mismatch values (key, reference, actual): [('max', 43600, 1), ('min', 34300, 1)]
command: r.info map=lakes -r {'map': 'lakes', 'flags': 'r'}

Ran 4 tests in 0.338s
FAILED (failures=2)