test_r_import stderr

/usr/lib/python2.7/xml/etree/ElementTree.py:1638: DeprecationWarning: This method of XMLParser is deprecated.  Define doctype() method on the TreeBuilder target.
ERROR: test_import_same_proj_tif (__main__.TestRImportRegion)
Import tif in same proj, default params
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "scripts/r.import/testsuite/test_r_import.py", line 30, in test_import_same_proj_tif
    self.assertRasterFitsInfo(raster=self.imported, reference=reference)
  File "etc/python/grass/gunittest/case.py", line 298, in assertRasterFitsInfo
  File "etc/python/grass/gunittest/case.py", line 230, in assertModuleKeyValue
    a_is_subset=True, precision=precision):
  File "etc/python/grass/gunittest/checkers.py", line 344, in keyvalue_equals
    if not equal_fun(dict_a[key], dict_b[key], precision):
  File "etc/python/grass/gunittest/checkers.py", line 264, in values_equal
    precision = float(precision)
TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a number

FAIL: test_import_asc_custom_res (__main__.TestRImportRegion)
Import ASC in different projection, with specified resolution
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "scripts/r.import/testsuite/test_r_import.py", line 35, in test_import_asc_custom_res
    resample='nearest', resolution='value', resolution_value=30)
  File "etc/python/grass/gunittest/case.py", line 1161, in assertModule
    self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, stdmsg))
AssertionError: Running <r.import> module ended with non-zero return code (1)
Called: r.import(input='data/data2.asc', memory=300, output='test_r_import_imported', resample='nearest', extent='input', resolution='value', resolution_value=30.0)
See the following errors:
Proceeding with import of 1 raster bands...
Importing raster map <test_r_import_imported>...
WARNING: Number of centroids exceeds number of areas: 1 > 0
WARNING: Number of incorrect boundaries: 1
WARNING: Number of centroids outside area: 1
Estimated target resolution for input band <test_r_import_imported>: 145.075351769
Using given resolution for input band <test_r_import_imported>: 30.0
Reprojecting <test_r_import_imported>...
ERROR: The reprojected raster <test_r_import_imported> is empty

FAIL: test_import_asc_region_extent (__main__.TestRImportRegion)
Import ASC in different projection in specified region
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "scripts/r.import/testsuite/test_r_import.py", line 44, in test_import_asc_region_extent
    resample='nearest', extent='region', resolution='region')
  File "etc/python/grass/gunittest/case.py", line 1161, in assertModule
    self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, stdmsg))
AssertionError: Running <r.import> module ended with non-zero return code (1)
Called: r.import(input='data/data2.asc', memory=300, output='test_r_import_imported', resample='nearest', extent='region', resolution='region')
See the following errors:
Proceeding with import of 1 raster bands...
Importing raster map <test_r_import_imported>...
Estimated target resolution for input band <test_r_import_imported>: 0.675429225938
Using current region resolution for input band <test_r_import_imported>: nsres=27.5, ewres=25.0
Reprojecting <test_r_import_imported>...
ERROR: Input raster map is outside current region
ERROR: Unable to to reproject raster <test_r_import_imported>

Ran 4 tests in 3.395s
FAILED (failures=2, errors=1)