test_r_import stdout

Proceeding with import of 1 raster bands...
Importing raster map <test_r_import_imported>...
Estimated target resolution for input band <test_r_import_imported>: 22.1658538402
Using given resolution for input band <test_r_import_imported>: 30.0
Reprojecting <test_r_import_imported>...
WARNING: No data base element files found

Proceeding with import of 1 raster bands...
Importing raster map <test_r_import_imported>...
Estimated target resolution for input band <test_r_import_imported>: 4.30578012283
Using current region resolution for input band <test_r_import_imported>: nsres=9.16666667, ewres=10.0
Reprojecting <test_r_import_imported>...
WARNING: No data base element files found

Proceeding with import of 1 raster bands...
Importing raster map <test_r_import_imported>...
Estimated target resolution for input band <test_r_import_imported>: 22.1658538402
WARNING: No data base element files found

Proceeding with import of 1 raster bands...
Importing raster map <test_r_import_imported>...