r_watershed_test stdout

SECTION 1a (of 6): Initiating Memory.
WARNING: G__open(read): Unable to open '/grassdata/tests-grassdata/nc_spm_08_grass7/__raster_r_watershed_r_watershed_test/cellhd/elevation': No such file or directory
ERROR: Error reading reclass file for raster map <elevation>
WARNING: Subprocess failed with exit code 1
WARNING: category information for [test_accumulation] in [__raster_r_watershed_r_watershed_test] missing or invalid
WARNING: category information for [test_drainage] in [__raster_r_watershed_r_watershed_test] missing or invalid
WARNING: category information for [test_basin] in [__raster_r_watershed_r_watershed_test] missing or invalid
WARNING: category information for [test_stream] in [__raster_r_watershed_r_watershed_test] missing or invalid
WARNING: category information for [test_halfbasin] in [__raster_r_watershed_r_watershed_test] missing or invalid
WARNING: category information for [test_slopelength] in [__raster_r_watershed_r_watershed_test] missing or invalid
WARNING: category information for [test_slopesteepness] in [__raster_r_watershed_r_watershed_test] missing or invalid

SECTION 1a (of 5): Initiating Memory.
WARNING: G__open(read): Unable to open '/grassdata/tests-grassdata/nc_spm_08_grass7/__raster_r_watershed_r_watershed_test/cellhd/elevation': No such file or directory
ERROR: Error reading reclass file for raster map <elevation>
WARNING: Subprocess failed with exit code 1
WARNING: category information for [test_basin] in [__raster_r_watershed_r_watershed_test] missing or invalid

SECTION 1a (of 5): Initiating Memory.
WARNING: G__open(read): Unable to open '/grassdata/tests-grassdata/nc_spm_08_grass7/__raster_r_watershed_r_watershed_test/cellhd/elevation': No such file or directory
ERROR: Error reading reclass file for raster map <elevation>
WARNING: Subprocess failed with exit code 1
WARNING: category information for [test_drainage] in [__raster_r_watershed_r_watershed_test] missing or invalid

SECTION 1a (of 6): Initiating Memory.
WARNING: G__open(read): Unable to open '/grassdata/tests-grassdata/nc_spm_08_grass7/__raster_r_watershed_r_watershed_test/cellhd/elevation': No such file or directory
ERROR: Error reading reclass file for raster map <elevation>
WARNING: Subprocess failed with exit code 1
WARNING: category information for [test_stream] in [__raster_r_watershed_r_watershed_test] missing or invalid
WARNING: category information for [test_slopelength] in [__raster_r_watershed_r_watershed_test] missing or invalid

SECTION 1a (of 5): Initiating Memory.
WARNING: G__open(read): Unable to open '/grassdata/tests-grassdata/nc_spm_08_grass7/__raster_r_watershed_r_watershed_test/cellhd/elevation': No such file or directory
ERROR: Error reading reclass file for raster map <elevation>
WARNING: Subprocess failed with exit code 1
WARNING: category information for [test_basin] in [__raster_r_watershed_r_watershed_test] missing or invalid

Sorry, if any of the following options are set:
    basin, stream, half_basin, length_slope, or slope_steepness
    you MUST provide a value for the basin threshold parameter.

 Calculates hydrological parameters and RUSLE factors.

 raster, hydrology, watershed

 r.watershed [-s4mab] elevation=name [depression=name] [flow=name]
   [disturbed_land=name] [blocking=name] [threshold=value]
   [max_slope_length=value] [accumulation=name] [tci=name] [drainage=name]
   [basin=name] [stream=name] [half_basin=name] [length_slope=name]
   [slope_steepness=name] [convergence=value] [memory=value] [--overwrite]
   [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui]

  -s   SFD (D8) flow (default is MFD)
        SFD: single flow direction, MFD: multiple flow direction
  -4   Allow only horizontal and vertical flow of water
  -m   Enable disk swap memory option: Operation is slow
        Only needed if memory requirements exceed available RAM; see manual on how to calculate memory requirements
  -a   Use positive flow accumulation even for likely underestimates
        See manual for a detailed description of flow accumulation output
  -b   Beautify flat areas
        Flow direction in flat areas is modified to look prettier
 --o   Allow output files to overwrite existing files
 --h   Print usage summary
 --v   Verbose module output
 --q   Quiet module output
 --ui  Force launching GUI dialog

         elevation   Name of input elevation raster map
        depression   Name of input depressions raster map
                      All non-NULL and non-zero cells are considered as real depressions
              flow   Name of input raster representing amount of overland flow per cell
    disturbed_land   Name of input raster map percent of disturbed land
                      For USLE
          blocking   Name of input raster map blocking overland surface flow
                      For USLE. All non-NULL and non-zero cells are considered as blocking terrain.
         threshold   Minimum size of exterior watershed basin
  max_slope_length   Maximum length of surface flow in map units
                      For USLE
      accumulation   Name for output accumulation raster map
                      Number of cells that drain through each cell
               tci   Name for output topographic index ln(a / tan(b)) map
          drainage   Name for output drainage direction raster map
             basin   Name for output basins raster map
            stream   Name for output stream segments raster map
        half_basin   Name for output half basins raster map
                      Each half-basin is given a unique value
      length_slope   Name for output slope length raster map
                      Slope length and steepness (LS) factor for USLE
   slope_steepness   Name for output slope steepness raster map
                      Slope steepness (S) factor for USLE
       convergence   Convergence factor for MFD (1-10)
                      1 = most diverging flow, 10 = most converging flow. Recommended: 5
                     default: 5
            memory   Maximum memory to be used with -m flag (in MB)
                     default: 300

ERROR: The basin threshold must be a positive number.