unittests_temporal_algebra stderr

etc/python/grass/lib/gis.py:801: DeprecationWarning: classic int division
  ('__val', c_ulong * (1024 / (8 * sizeof(c_ulong)))),
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mx/DateTime/mxDateTime/__init__.py:9: DeprecationWarning: CObject type is not supported in 3.x. Please use capsule objects instead.
  from mxDateTime import *
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mx/DateTime/DateTime.py:563: DeprecationWarning: classic int division
  MaxDateTime = DateTime(_sys.maxint / 366 - 1, 12, 31)
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mx/DateTime/DateTime.py:564: DeprecationWarning: classic int division
  MinDateTime = DateTime(-_sys.maxint / 366 + 2, 1, 1)
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/psycopg2/__init__.py:67: DeprecationWarning: CObject type is not supported in 3.x. Please use capsule objects instead.
  from psycopg2._psycopg import BINARY, NUMBER, STRING, DATETIME, ROWID
etc/python/grass/temporal/abstract_dataset.py:571: DeprecationWarning: Overriding __eq__ blocks inheritance of __hash__ in 3.x
  class AbstractDatasetComparisonKeyStartTime(object):
etc/python/grass/temporal/abstract_dataset.py:621: DeprecationWarning: Overriding __eq__ blocks inheritance of __hash__ in 3.x
  class AbstractDatasetComparisonKeyEndTime(object):
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dateutil/relativedelta.py:15: DeprecationWarning: Overriding __eq__ blocks inheritance of __hash__ in 3.x
  class weekday(object):
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dateutil/tz.py:31: DeprecationWarning: Overriding __eq__ blocks inheritance of __hash__ in 3.x
  class tzutc(datetime.tzinfo):
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dateutil/tz.py:54: DeprecationWarning: Overriding __eq__ blocks inheritance of __hash__ in 3.x
  class tzoffset(datetime.tzinfo):
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dateutil/tz.py:83: DeprecationWarning: Overriding __eq__ blocks inheritance of __hash__ in 3.x
  class tzlocal(datetime.tzinfo):
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dateutil/tz.py:152: DeprecationWarning: Overriding __eq__ blocks inheritance of __hash__ in 3.x
  class _ttinfo(object):
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dateutil/tz.py:191: DeprecationWarning: Overriding __eq__ blocks inheritance of __hash__ in 3.x
  class tzfile(datetime.tzinfo):
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dateutil/tz.py:475: DeprecationWarning: Overriding __eq__ blocks inheritance of __hash__ in 3.x
  class tzrange(datetime.tzinfo):
Default TGIS driver / database set to:
driver: sqlite
database: /grassdata/tests-grassdata/nc_spm_08_grass7/__lib_python_temporal_unittests_temporal_algebra/tgis/sqlite.db
etc/python/grass/temporal/core.py:546: DeprecationWarning: dict.has_key() not supported in 3.x; use the in operator
  if grassenv.has_key("TGIS_DISABLE_MAPSET_CHECK"):
etc/python/grass/temporal/core.py:552: DeprecationWarning: dict.has_key() not supported in 3.x; use the in operator
  if grassenv.has_key("TGIS_DISABLE_TIMESTAMP_WRITE"):
Creating temporal database: /grassdata/tests-grassdata/nc_spm_08_grass7/__lib_python_temporal_unittests_temporal_algebra/tgis/sqlite.db
/usr/lib/python2.7/xml/etree/ElementTree.py:1627: DeprecationWarning: This method of XMLParser is deprecated.  Define doctype() method on the TreeBuilder target.
Gathering map information...
Registering maps in the temporal database...
Registering maps in the space time dataset...
0..Updating space time dataset...
Gathering map information...
Registering maps in the temporal database...
Registering maps in the space time dataset...
0..Updating space time dataset...
Gathering map information...
Registering maps in the space time dataset...
0..Updating space time dataset...
Gathering map information...
Registering maps in the temporal database...
Registering maps in the space time dataset...
0..Updating space time dataset...
Gathering map information...
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ply/lex.py:716: DeprecationWarning: the cmp argument is not supported in 3.x
  f.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(func_code(x[1]).co_firstlineno,func_code(y[1]).co_firstlineno))
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ply/lex.py:724: DeprecationWarning: the cmp argument is not supported in 3.x
  s.sort(lambda x,y: (len(x[1]) < len(y[1])) - (len(x[1]) > len(y[1])))
Generating LALR tables
.Generating LALR tables
Generating LALR tables
Second Map list is empty, can't merge it. Return only first map list
.Generating LALR tables
Generating LALR tables
Copy raster <a3@__lib_python_temporal_unittests_temporal_algebra> to current mapset as <r_0>
Copy raster <a2@__lib_python_temporal_unittests_temporal_algebra> to current mapset as <r_1>
.Generating LALR tables
Generating LALR tables
Copy raster <a3@__lib_python_temporal_unittests_temporal_algebra> to current mapset as <r_0>
Copy raster <a2@__lib_python_temporal_unittests_temporal_algebra> to current mapset as <r_1>
.Generating LALR tables
Generating LALR tables
Copy raster <a3@__lib_python_temporal_unittests_temporal_algebra> to current mapset as <r_0>
Copy raster <a2@__lib_python_temporal_unittests_temporal_algebra> to current mapset as <r_1>
.Generating LALR tables
.Generating LALR tables
Generating LALR tables
.Generating LALR tables
Generating LALR tables
Generating LALR tables
.Generating LALR tables
.Generating LALR tables
.Generating LALR tables
.Generating LALR tables
Generating LALR tables
.Generating LALR tables
Generating LALR tables
.Generating LALR tables
Generating LALR tables
etc/python/grass/temporal/temporal_granularity.py:787: DeprecationWarning: reduce() not supported in 3.x; use functools.reduce()
  return reduce(gcd, list)
.Generating LALR tables
Generating LALR tables
Copy raster <a3@__lib_python_temporal_unittests_temporal_algebra> to current mapset as <r_0>
Copy raster <a2@__lib_python_temporal_unittests_temporal_algebra> to current mapset as <r_1>
.Generating LALR tables
Generating LALR tables
.Generating LALR tables
.Generating LALR tables
Ran 18 tests in 16.202s