test_to_vect stdout

r.to.vect input=a_1@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect type=point column=value output=test_1@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect -t --o --q
r.to.vect input=a_2@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect type=point column=value output=test_2@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect -t --o --q
r.to.vect input=a_3@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect type=point column=value output=test_3@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect -t --o --q
r.to.vect input=a_4@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect type=point column=value output=test_4@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect -t --o --q
WARNING: Categories will be unique sequence, raster values will be lost.
WARNING: Categories will be unique sequence, raster values will be lost.
ERROR: Unable to make mapset element vector/test_2 (/grassdata/tests-grassdata/nc_spm_08_grass7/__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect/vector): File exists
WARNING: Categories will be unique sequence, raster values will be lost.
WARNING: Categories will be unique sequence, raster values will be lost.
r.to.vect input=a_5@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect type=point column=value output=test_5@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect -t --o --q
WARNING: Categories will be unique sequence, raster values will be lost.
Creating a new space time vector dataset
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "scripts/t.rast.to.vect", line 255, in <module>
ERROR: Unable to execute transaction:
 INSERT INTO vector_base ( layer  ,name  ,creator  ,mapset  ,creation_time  ,temporal_type  ,id ) VALUES (NULL ,'test_2' ,NULL ,'__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect' ,'2015-03-26 03:19:15.857142' ,'absolute' ,'test_2@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect') ;
INSERT INTO vector_absolute_time ( start_time  ,id  ,end_time ) VALUES ('2001-04-01 00:00:00' ,'test_2@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect' ,'2001-07-01 00:00:00') ;
INSERT INTO vector_spatial_extent ( north  ,bottom  ,west  ,top  ,proj  ,east  ,id  ,south ) VALUES (NULL ,NULL ,NULL ,NULL ,'XY' ,NULL ,'test_2@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect' ,NULL) ;
INSERT INTO vector_metadata ( kernels  ,holes  ,lines  ,centroids  ,boundaries  ,is_3d  ,volumes  ,faces  ,primitives  ,islands  ,nodes  ,areas  ,id  ,points ) VALUES (NULL ,NULL ,NULL ,NULL ,NULL ,0 ,NULL ,NULL ,NULL ,NULL ,NULL ,NULL ,'test_2@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect' ,NULL) ;
INSERT INTO vector_stds_register ( id  ,registered_stds ) VALUES ('test_2@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect' ,NULL) ;

    main(options, flags)
  File "scripts/t.rast.to.vect", line 228, in main
  File "etc/python/grass/temporal/abstract_map_dataset.py", line 274, in insert
    return AbstractDataset.insert(self, dbif=dbif, execute=execute)
  File "etc/python/grass/temporal/abstract_dataset.py", line 405, in insert
  File "etc/python/grass/temporal/core.py", line 999, in execute_transaction
    return self.connections[mapset].execute_transaction(statement)
  File "etc/python/grass/temporal/core.py", line 1270, in execute_transaction
sqlite3.IntegrityError: NOT NULL constraint failed: vector_base.creator

r.to.vect input=a_1@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect type=area column=value output=test_1@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect --o --q
r.to.vect input=a_2@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect type=area column=value output=test_2@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect --o --q
WARNING: Vector map <test_2> already exists and will be overwritten
WARNING: Unable to open header file of vector <test_2@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect>
ERROR: Unable to read header file of vector map <test_2@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect>
r.to.vect input=a_3@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect type=area column=value output=test_3@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect --o --q
WARNING: Vector map <test_3> already exists and will be overwritten
r.to.vect input=a_4@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect type=area column=value output=test_4@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect --o --q
WARNING: Vector map <test_4> already exists and will be overwritten
r.to.vect input=a_5@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect type=area column=value output=test_5@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect --o --q
WARNING: Vector map <test_5> already exists and will be overwritten
Creating a new space time vector dataset
WARNING: Unable to open header file of vector <test_2@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect>
ERROR: Unable to read header file of vector map <test_2@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "scripts/t.rast.to.vect", line 255, in <module>
    main(options, flags)
  File "scripts/t.rast.to.vect", line 221, in main
  File "etc/python/grass/temporal/space_time_datasets.py", line 926, in load
  File "etc/python/grass/temporal/c_libraries_interface.py", line 1220, in read_vector_info
    return self.safe_receive("read_vector_info")
  File "etc/python/grass/temporal/c_libraries_interface.py", line 1373, in safe_receive
    raise FatalError(message)
grass.exceptions.FatalError: read_vector_info
WARNING:root:Needed to restart the libgis server

r.to.vect input=a_1@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect type=area column=value output=test_1@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect -s --o --q
r.to.vect input=a_2@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect type=area column=value output=test_2@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect -s --o --q
WARNING: Vector map <test_2> already exists and will be overwritten
WARNING: Unable to open header file of vector <test_2@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect>
ERROR: Unable to read header file of vector map <test_2@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect>
r.to.vect input=a_3@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect type=area column=value output=test_3@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect -s --o --q
WARNING: Vector map <test_3> already exists and will be overwritten
r.to.vect input=a_4@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect type=area column=value output=test_4@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect -s --o --q
WARNING: Vector map <test_4> already exists and will be overwritten
r.to.vect input=a_5@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect type=area column=value output=test_5@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect -s --o --q
WARNING: Vector map <test_5> already exists and will be overwritten
Creating a new space time vector dataset
WARNING: Unable to open header file of vector <test_2@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect>
ERROR: Unable to read header file of vector map <test_2@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "scripts/t.rast.to.vect", line 255, in <module>
    main(options, flags)
  File "scripts/t.rast.to.vect", line 221, in main
  File "etc/python/grass/temporal/space_time_datasets.py", line 926, in load
  File "etc/python/grass/temporal/c_libraries_interface.py", line 1220, in read_vector_info
    return self.safe_receive("read_vector_info")
  File "etc/python/grass/temporal/c_libraries_interface.py", line 1373, in safe_receive
    raise FatalError(message)
grass.exceptions.FatalError: read_vector_info
WARNING:root:Needed to restart the libgis server

r.to.vect input=a_1@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect type=point column=value output=test_1@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect --o --q
r.to.vect input=a_2@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect type=point column=value output=test_2@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect --o --q
WARNING: Vector map <test_2> already exists and will be overwritten
WARNING: Unable to open header file of vector <test_2@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect>
ERROR: Unable to read header file of vector map <test_2@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect>
r.to.vect input=a_3@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect type=point column=value output=test_3@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect --o --q
WARNING: Vector map <test_3> already exists and will be overwritten
r.to.vect input=a_4@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect type=point column=value output=test_4@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect --o --q
WARNING: Vector map <test_4> already exists and will be overwritten
r.to.vect input=a_5@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect type=point column=value output=test_5@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect --o --q
WARNING: Vector map <test_5> already exists and will be overwritten
Creating a new space time vector dataset
WARNING: Unable to open header file of vector <test_2@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect>
ERROR: Unable to read header file of vector map <test_2@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "scripts/t.rast.to.vect", line 255, in <module>
    main(options, flags)
  File "scripts/t.rast.to.vect", line 221, in main
  File "etc/python/grass/temporal/space_time_datasets.py", line 926, in load
  File "etc/python/grass/temporal/c_libraries_interface.py", line 1220, in read_vector_info
    return self.safe_receive("read_vector_info")
  File "etc/python/grass/temporal/c_libraries_interface.py", line 1373, in safe_receive
    raise FatalError(message)
grass.exceptions.FatalError: read_vector_info
WARNING:root:Needed to restart the libgis server

WARNING: Space time raster dataset <A@__temporal_t_rast_to_vect_test_to_vect> is empty

 Converts a space time raster dataset into a space time vector dataset

 temporal, conversion, raster, vector

 t.rast.to.vect [-ntszbv] input=name output=name [where=sql_query]
   type=string basename=string [column=string] [nprocs=value]
   [--overwrite] [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui]

  -n   Register empty vector maps
  -t   Do not create attribute tables
  -s   Smooth corners of area features
  -z   Write raster values as z coordinate
        Table is not created. Currently supported only for points.
  -b   Do not build vector topology
        Name must be SQL compliant
  -v   Use raster values as categories instead of unique sequence (CELL only)
 --o   Allow output files to overwrite existing files
 --h   Print usage summary
 --v   Verbose module output
 --q   Quiet module output
 --ui  Force launching GUI dialog

     input   Name of the input space time raster dataset
    output   Name of the output space time vector dataset
     where   WHERE conditions of SQL statement without 'where' keyword used in the temporal GIS framework
              Example: start_time > '2001-01-01 12:30:00'
      type   Output feature type
             options: point,line,area
  basename   Basename of the new generated output maps
              A numerical suffix separated by an underscore will be attached to create a unique identifier
    column   Name of attribute column to store value
             default: value
    nprocs   Number of r.to.vect processes to run in parallel, more than 1 process works only in conjunction with flag -t
             default: 1

ERROR: Required parameter <type> not set:
	(Output feature type)
ERROR: Required parameter <basename> not set:
	(Basename of the new generated output maps)