test.t.vect.univar stderr

+ g.region s=0 n=80 w=0 e=120 b=0 t=50 res=10 res3=10 -p3
+ v.random -z output=rpoints1 zmin=0 zmax=100 seed=1 column=height n=100
Default driver / database set to:
driver: sqlite
database: $GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/sqlite/sqlite.db
Generating points...
   0%   5%  10%  15%  20%  25%  30%  35%  40%  45%  50%  55%  60%  65%  70%  75%  80%  85%  90%  95% 100%
Building topology for vector map
Registering primitives...

100 primitives registered
100 vertices registered
Building areas...
   0%   2%   4%   6%   8%  10%  12%  14%  16%  18%  20%  22%  24%  26%  28%  30%  32%  34%  36%  38%  40%  42%  44%  46%  48%  50%  52%  54%  56%  58%  60%  62%  64%  66%  68%  70%  72%  74%  76%  78%  80%  82%  84%  86%  88%  90%  92%  94%  96%  98% 100%
0 areas built
0 isles built
Attaching islands...
Attaching centroids...
   1%   3%   5%   7%   9%  11%  13%  15%  17%  19%  21%  23%  25%  27%  29%  31%  33%  35%  37%  39%  41%  43%  45%  47%  49%  51%  53%  55%  57%  59%  61%  63%  65%  67%  69%  71%  73%  75%  77%  79%  81%  83%  85%  87%  89%  91%  93%  95%  97%  99% 100%
Number of nodes: 0
Number of primitives: 100
Number of points: 100
Number of lines: 0
Number of boundaries: 0
Number of centroids: 0
Number of areas: 0
Number of isles: 0
+ v.random -z output=rpoints2 zmin=0 zmax=100 seed=2 column=height n=100
Generating points...
   0%   5%  10%  15%  20%  25%  30%  35%  40%  45%  50%  55%  60%  65%  70%  75%  80%  85%  90%  95% 100%
Building topology for vector map
Registering primitives...

100 primitives registered
100 vertices registered
Building areas...
   0%   2%   4%   6%   8%  10%  12%  14%  16%  18%  20%  22%  24%  26%  28%  30%  32%  34%  36%  38%  40%  42%  44%  46%  48%  50%  52%  54%  56%  58%  60%  62%  64%  66%  68%  70%  72%  74%  76%  78%  80%  82%  84%  86%  88%  90%  92%  94%  96%  98% 100%
0 areas built
0 isles built
Attaching islands...
Attaching centroids...
   1%   3%   5%   7%   9%  11%  13%  15%  17%  19%  21%  23%  25%  27%  29%  31%  33%  35%  37%  39%  41%  43%  45%  47%  49%  51%  53%  55%  57%  59%  61%  63%  65%  67%  69%  71%  73%  75%  77%  79%  81%  83%  85%  87%  89%  91%  93%  95%  97%  99% 100%
Number of nodes: 0
Number of primitives: 100
Number of points: 100
Number of lines: 0
Number of boundaries: 0
Number of centroids: 0
Number of areas: 0
Number of isles: 0
+ v.voronoi input=rpoints1 output=rvoronoi1
Reading features...
Voronoi triangulation for 100 points...
   0%   3%   6%   9%  12%  15%  18%  21%  24%  27%  30%  33%  36%  39%  42%  45%  48%  51%  54%  57%  60%  63%  66%  69%  72%  75%  78%  81%  84%  87%  90%  93%  96% 100%
Writing edges...
Writing features...
   2%   5%   8%  11%  14%  17%  20%  23%  26%  29%  32%  35%  38%  41%  44%  47%  50%  53%  56%  59%  62%  65%  68%  71%  74%  77%  80%  83%  86%  89%  92%  95%  98% 100%
Writing attributes...
Searching for topology errors...
Building topology for vector map
Registering primitives...

401 primitives registered
702 vertices registered
Building areas...
   0%   2%   4%   6%   8%  10%  12%  14%  16%  18%  20%  22%  24%  26%  28%  30%  32%  34%  36%  38%  40%  42%  44%  46%  48%  50%  52%  54%  56%  58%  60%  62%  64%  66%  68%  70%  72%  74%  76%  78%  80%  82%  84%  86%  88%  90%  92%  94%  96%  98% 100%
100 areas built
One isle built
Attaching islands...
Attaching centroids...
   1%   3%   5%   7%   9%  11%  13%  15%  17%  19%  21%  23%  25%  27%  29%  31%  33%  35%  37%  39%  41%  43%  45%  47%  49%  51%  53%  55%  57%  59%  61%  63%  65%  67%  69%  71%  73%  75%  77%  79%  81%  83%  85%  87%  89%  91%  93%  95%  97%  99% 100%
Number of nodes: 202
Number of primitives: 401
Number of points: 0
Number of lines: 0
Number of boundaries: 301
Number of centroids: 100
Number of areas: 100
Number of isles: 1
v.voronoi complete.
+ v.voronoi input=rpoints2 output=rvoronoi2
Reading features...
Voronoi triangulation for 100 points...
   0%   3%   6%   9%  12%  15%  18%  21%  24%  27%  30%  33%  36%  39%  42%  45%  48%  51%  54%  57%  60%  63%  66%  69%  72%  75%  78%  81%  84%  87%  90%  93%  96% 100%
Writing edges...
Writing features...
   2%   5%   8%  11%  14%  17%  20%  23%  26%  29%  32%  35%  38%  41%  44%  47%  50%  53%  56%  59%  62%  65%  68%  71%  74%  77%  80%  83%  86%  89%  92%  95%  98% 100%
Writing attributes...
Searching for topology errors...
Building topology for vector map
Registering primitives...

401 primitives registered
702 vertices registered
Building areas...
   0%   2%   4%   6%   8%  10%  12%  14%  16%  18%  20%  22%  24%  26%  28%  30%  32%  34%  36%  38%  40%  42%  44%  46%  48%  50%  52%  54%  56%  58%  60%  62%  64%  66%  68%  70%  72%  74%  76%  78%  80%  82%  84%  86%  88%  90%  92%  94%  96%  98% 100%
100 areas built
One isle built
Attaching islands...
Attaching centroids...
   1%   3%   5%   7%   9%  11%  13%  15%  17%  19%  21%  23%  25%  27%  29%  31%  33%  35%  37%  39%  41%  43%  45%  47%  49%  51%  53%  55%  57%  59%  61%  63%  65%  67%  69%  71%  73%  75%  77%  79%  81%  83%  85%  87%  89%  91%  93%  95%  97%  99% 100%
Number of nodes: 202
Number of primitives: 401
Number of points: 0
Number of lines: 0
Number of boundaries: 301
Number of centroids: 100
Number of areas: 100
Number of isles: 1
v.voronoi complete.
+ t.create type=stvds temporaltype=absolute output=random_data title=A test descr=A test
Default TGIS driver / database set to:
driver: sqlite
Creating temporal database:
+ t.register type=vector --v -i input=random_data maps=rpoints1,rpoints2,rvoronoi1,rvoronoi2 start=2001-01-15 12:05:45 increment=14 days
Gathering map information...
   0% 100%
Registering maps in the temporal database...
Registering maps in the space time dataset...
   0%Updating space time dataset...
Update metadata, spatial and temporal extent from all registered maps of
+ t.vect.univar input=random_data column=height where=height > 50 twhere=start_time > '2000-01-01' layer=1
   2%   5%   8%  11%  14%  17%  20%  23%  26%  29%  32%  35%  38%  41%  44%  47%  50%  53%  56%  59%  62%  65%  68%  71%  74%  77%  80%  83%  86%  89%  92%  95%  98% 100%
   2%   5%   8%  11%  14%  17%  20%  23%  26%  29%  32%  35%  38%  41%  44%  47%  50%  53%  56%  59%  62%  65%  68%  71%  74%  77%  80%  83%  86%  89%  92%  95%  98% 100%
+ t.vect.univar -e input=random_data column=height where=height > 30 twhere=start_time > '2000-01-01' layer=1
   2%   5%   8%  11%  14%  17%  20%  23%  26%  29%  32%  35%  38%  41%  44%  47%  50%  53%  56%  59%  62%  65%  68%  71%  74%  77%  80%  83%  86%  89%  92%  95%  98% 100%
   2%   5%   8%  11%  14%  17%  20%  23%  26%  29%  32%  35%  38%  41%  44%  47%  50%  53%  56%  59%  62%  65%  68%  71%  74%  77%  80%  83%  86%  89%  92%  95%  98% 100%
WARNING: Extended statistics is currently supported only for
WARNING: Extended statistics is currently supported only for
+ t.vect.univar -e type=area input=random_data column=height where=height > 10 twhere=start_time > '2000-01-01' layer=1
WARNING: Extended statistics is currently supported only for
WARNING: Extended statistics is currently supported only for
WARNING: Extended statistics is currently supported only for
WARNING: Extended statistics is currently supported only for
+ t.vect.univar -e type=centroid input=random_data column=height where=height > 20 twhere=start_time > '2000-01-01' layer=1
WARNING: Extended statistics is currently supported only for
WARNING: Extended statistics is currently supported only for
   2%   5%   8%  11%  14%  17%  20%  23%  26%  29%  32%  35%  38%  41%  44%  47%  50%  53%  56%  59%  62%  65%  68%  71%  74%  77%  80%  83%  86%  89%  92%  95%  98% 100%
   2%   5%   8%  11%  14%  17%  20%  23%  26%  29%  32%  35%  38%  41%  44%  47%  50%  53%  56%  59%  62%  65%  68%  71%  74%  77%  80%  83%  86%  89%  92%  95%  98% 100%
+ t.vect.univar type=line input=random_data column=height where=height > 20 twhere=start_time > '2000-01-01' layer=1
+ t.unregister type=vector maps=rpoints1,rpoints2,rvoronoi1,rvoronoi2
Unregister maps
   0% 100%
Unregister maps from the temporal database
   0%+ t.remove type=stvds input=random_data
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "scripts/t.remove", line 164, in <module>
  File "etc/python/grass/temporal/core.py", line 73, in profile_function
  File "scripts/t.remove", line 110, in main
    remove = pyg.Module("g.remove", quiet=True, flags='f', run_=False)
  File "etc/python/grass/pygrass/modules/interface/module.py", line 507, in __init__
    self.__setattr__(e.tag, GETFROMTAG[e.tag](e))
KeyError: 'rules'