
./temporal/t.vect.mapcalc – test.t.vect.mapcalc

Test failed

Test filetest.t.vect.mapcalc
Return code1
Number of testsunknown
Successful testsunknown
Failed tests0
Percent successfulunknown
Test duration0:00:08.685533

Supplementary files

Standard error output (stderr)

... (lines omitted)
   0% 100%
Registering maps in the temporal database...
Registering maps in the space time raster dataset...
   0%Updating space time raster dataset...
+ t.register -i type=vect input=P3 file=vinput3_point_test.txt increment=3 days start=2013-01-01
Gathering map information...
   0% 100%
Registering maps in the temporal database...
Registering maps in the space time raster dataset...
   0%Updating space time raster dataset...
+ t.register -i type=vect input=P4 file=vinput4_point_test.txt increment=3 days start=2013-01-10
Gathering map information...
   0% 100%
Registering maps in the temporal database...
Registering maps in the space time raster dataset...
   0%Updating space time raster dataset...
+ t.vect.mapcalc expression=B1 = A1 & A2 basename=bmap1
Run command:
v.overlay ainput=vtestarea1_0@__temporal_t_vect_mapcalc_test.t.vect.mapcalc
alayer=1 atype=auto
binput=vtestarea2_11@__temporal_t_vect_mapcalc_test.t.vect.mapcalc blayer=1
btype=area operator=and olayer=1,0,0 snap=1e-08
--o --q
WARNING: Illegal vector map name
         Character '@' not allowed.
ERROR: Output vector map name
       is not valid map name
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "scripts/t.vect.mapcalc", line 70, in <module>
  File "scripts/t.vect.mapcalc", line 66, in main
    p.parse(expression, basename, grass.script.overwrite())
  File "etc/python/grass/temporal/temporal_vector_algebra.py", line 509, in parse
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ply/yacc.py", line 269, in parse
    return self.parseopt_notrack(input,lexer,debug,tracking,tokenfunc)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ply/yacc.py", line 975, in parseopt_notrack
  File "etc/python/grass/temporal/temporal_vector_algebra.py", line 672, in p_statement_assign
  File "etc/python/grass/pygrass/modules/interface/module.py", line 585, in run
    module=self.name, errors=stderr)
grass.exceptions.CalledModuleError: Module run v.overlay v.overlay ainput=vtestarea1_0@__temporal_t_vect_mapcalc_test.t.vect.mapcalc alayer=1 atype=auto binput=vtestarea2_11@__temporal_t_vect_mapcalc_test.t.vect.mapcalc blayer=1 btype=area operator=and olayer=1,0,0 snap=1e-08 output=tmp_map_name_22211_1@__temporal_t_vect_mapcalc_test.t.vect.mapcalc --o --q ended with error
Process ended with non-zero return code 1. See errors in the (error) output.