validation_excavation stdout

Calculation time: 8.64e+11
Reading raster map <phead> into memory
   0%  11%  22%  33%  44%  55%  66%  77%  88% 100%
Reading raster map <status> into memory
   0%  11%  22%  33%  44%  55%  66%  77%  88% 100%
Reading raster map <hydcond> into memory
   0%  11%  22%  33%  44%  55%  66%  77%  88% 100%
Reading raster map <hydcond> into memory
   0%  11%  22%  33%  44%  55%  66%  77%  88% 100%
Reading raster map <poros> into memory
   0%  11%  22%  33%  44%  55%  66%  77%  88% 100%
Reading raster map <top> into memory
   0%  11%  22%  33%  44%  55%  66%  77%  88% 100%
Reading raster map <bottom> into memory
   0%  11%  22%  33%  44%  55%  66%  77%  88% 100%
Reading raster map <recharge> into memory
   0%  11%  22%  33%  44%  55%  66%  77%  88% 100%
Starting cholesky decomposition solver
   0%  11%  22%  33%  44%  55%  66%  77%  88% 100%
Calculation of unconfined groundwater flow loop 1
Starting cholesky decomposition solver
Maximum difference between this and last increment: 0.324219
   0%  11%  22%  33%  44%  55%  66%  77%  88% 100%
Calculation of unconfined groundwater flow loop 2
Starting cholesky decomposition solver
Maximum difference between this and last increment: 0.0120374
   0%  11%  22%  33%  44%  55%  66%  77%  88% 100%
Calculation of unconfined groundwater flow loop 3
Starting cholesky decomposition solver
Maximum difference between this and last increment: 0.000773294
   0%  11%  22%  33%  44%  55%  66%  77%  88% 100%
   0%  11%  22%  33%  44%  55%  66%  77%  88% 100%
The total sum of the water budget: 4.14707e-18
Write 2d array to raster map <gwresult>
   0%  11%  22%  33%  44%  55%  66%  77%  88% 100%
Write 2d array to raster map <water_budget>
   0%  11%  22%  33%  44%  55%  66%  77%  88% 100%